Singing Guide: Ella Fitzgerald & Joe Pass

Singing Guide: Ella Fitzgerald & Joe Pass

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ella Fitzgerald is a magnificent singer whose artistry and skills continue to influence generations of musicians and singers. Her approach to jazz singing was technically superb and soulfully expressive, and she left behind a remarkable catalog of recordings that showcase her unique style.

To learn how to sing like Ella Fitzgerald, you must begin by studying her vocal technique and incorporating her signature style into your own singing. One of Ella's essential techniques is her use of scat singing. Scat is a way of improvising in jazz music by singing nonsense syllables instead of lyrics. Mastering scat singing can help you develop your improvisational skills and enhance your overall vocal technique.

Another key factor in singing like Ella is her innovative use of phrasing and timing. Pay close attention to how she uses syncopation and rhythm to create tension and release in her performances. You can study her recordings and practice singing along with them until you feel comfortable with her phrasing and timing.

In addition to scatting and phrasing, Ella Fitzgerald is also known for her impeccable intonation and pitch accuracy, which are essential skills for any singer. To improve your intonation, Singing Carrots offers a Pitch accuracy test and a Pitch Training program, which includes interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.

One of Ella Fitzgerald's most celebrated collaborations was with jazz guitarist Joe Pass. The duo recorded four highly-regarded albums together, showcasing their effortless musical chemistry and virtuosity. To emulate their collaboration, focus on developing a strong sense of musical rapport with any instrumentalist or accompanist. Singing Carrots also offers a Vocal Pitch Monitor, where you can monitor your sung notes on a virtual piano and develop your harmony skills.

To develop your singing beyond the technical skills, Ella's music invites you to feel the music deeply and emphasize the emotional and storytelling aspect of her style. This approach includes singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking, and you can learn more in the Singing Carrots article "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking."

In conclusion, to learn how to sing like Ella Fitzgerald and Joe Pass, you must study their unique vocal technique, practice scat singing, incorporate their phrasing and timing, develop intonation and pitch accuracy, and foster a strong musical rapport with your accompanist. Singing Carrots' resources like the Pitch accuracy test, Pitch training, Vocal Pitch Monitor, and the comprehensive Educational singing course offer all the tools and knowledge you need to refine your vocal and performance skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.